Shanxi Dongling Smelting Co., Ltd.

  • Project Time: 2022.05
  • Countory: China

Shanxi Dongling Smelting Co., Ltd. is one of the “Top 500 Chinese Enterprises”. The largest private enterprise in Shaanxi Province has more than 8 billion yuan of total assets, 16,000 employees and more than 40 member units. In 2009, it achieved a total revenue of 20.8 billion yuan. yuan. The company is mainly involved in logistics trade, mineral development, lead and zinc smelting, iron and steel smelting, coking and coal chemical, metal products processing and other industries. The production enterprises are mainly distributed in Baoji Fengxian, Fengxiang County, Hanzhong Lueyang County and other places. Focus on the development and construction of iron ore, lead-zinc, copper, antimony and coal mines. The total amount of steel trade in the year ranked first in the northwest region; in the lead and zinc smelting industry, it entered the industry in 2000 and has already ranked third in the industry; in terms of technological innovation, the world is the first to build zinc smelting and coking production projects. Relying on mutual use, it has pioneered the international and domestic use of coke oven gas zinc smelting process, and passed the national quality inspection-free certification.

In response to the heating furnace overhaul project of Shanxi Dongling Smelting Co., Ltd., our company mainly provides the enterprise with the demand for special wear-resistant castables for heating furnaces. After consultation, our company will prepare and produce wear-resistant refractory materials in strict accordance with the requirements of your company, and send wear-resistant refractory materials to the site within the prescribed time limit. The local inspection and acceptance personnel will check and accept the products, and after confirming the correctness, start using them. The owner said: This material supply, talented kiln can transport wear-resistant refractory materials to the scene at critical moments, solve the company’s urgent needs, ensure the normal construction period, and expressed deep satisfaction with this service. And reached a long-term partnership with Dongling Company.

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