Qinghai Dongrun Silicon Industry Co., Ltd.

Qinghai Dongrun Silicon Industry Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and sales of metal silicon and ferroalloys; sales of silica, coal, wood chips, coke raw materials, building materials, electromechanical equipment (except for small cars), project investment, energy conservation projects, environmental protection projects, and technology. Transformation, environmental protection and energy-saving technical services, smelting technical services.

ZHENGZHOU CAIHUA KILN MASONRY INSTALLATION CO.,LTD is well managed in the material construction of the 33000KV ferrosilicon electric furnace in Qinghai Dongrun Silicon Industry. The construction is meticulous and overcomes many unfavorable construction factors such as weather and environment. It has been repeatedly praised and rewarded, and has made a positive result for the smooth operation of the project. It is a construction team that can endure hardships, fight and trust.

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